Grain Glossary
Get an overview of financial terms and their definitions.
Knock-in Option
A knock-in option is a type of option that becomes active or "knocks in" to the market only when the price of the underlying asset reaches a predetermined trigger price. Until the trigger price is reached, the option remains dormant and has no value.
Knock out Option
A knock-out option is a type of option that becomes inactive or "knocks out" of the market when the price of the underlying asset reaches a predetermined trigger price. When the trigger price is reached, the option is automatically exercised, and the trader either receives a payout or incurs a loss, depending on the terms of the option.
Kantox Kantox is a multinational fintech company that offers Currency Management Automation software for corporate clients. Their software automates the pre-trade, trade, and post-trade stages of the corporate foreign exchange workflow.
Key Risk Indicator (KRI)
A key risk indicator (KRI) measures the likelihood that the combined probability of an event and its consequences will exceed an organization's risk appetite and negatively impact the success of the organization.