Explore Our Solutions
Explore the powerful capabilities of our solution designed to simplify and enhance your cross-currency transactions.

Elevate Your Freight Service with Cargo Value Protection
Grain's solution allows freight forwarders to offer shippers a value-added-service that protects of their cargo value during transit from cross-currency volatility.

Cost Certainty for Shippers
Secure cost certainty for international trade, enabling accurate forecasting and seamless budget planning.
Competitive Advantage
Differentiate your freight forwarding services by empowering shippers with peace of mind and financial stability.
Win New Profit Streams
Grain shares with you the premiums paid by shippers for the cargo protection services we provide.
Currency Stability
in Freight Forwarding
Provide shippers with unprecedented peace of mind by safeguarding their cargo's value from currency fluctuations throughout the entire shipping process. From PO to delivery.
Booking the Shipment
The shipper books their shipment through your freight forwarder platform.
Choose Cargo Value Protection
During the checkout process, shippers are offered the option to protect their cargo value & freight costs from currency changes.
Compensate for Currency Loss
In the event of currency headwinds, Grain compensates the shipper upon arrival. Shippers can be paid directly or via your platform.

Full-Scale Hedging
for Freight Forwarders
Empower your supply chain with our seamless Currency Hedging solution. Streamline cross-border payments, eliminate currency risks, and safeguard your profits with our intuitive API or file-sharing integration.